Tollerton Airfield (Nottingham City Airport – ICAO code: EGBN) is a CAA-registered working airfield. Established in 1929, the airfield continues to support general aviation of both rotary and fixed-wing aircraft. But today, the airfield is operating under a double threat of:

  1. Being shut down and lost to the country as an aviation resource, and
  2. The land it sits on, and the historic buildings that are such valuable components of this piece of our national aviation history, being destroyed for unneeded houses.

This website is intended to highlight these threats. We also want to inform you what a concerned group of individuals is doing to protect the airfield, the value it adds to the community, and how we are working to safeguard the many jobs the closure of this airfield would lose.

We also want to let you know what you can do to help us, and what action you can take to support the airfield as we fight for its survival.

Take action.

Please help us to Save Nottingham City Airfield…

The next version of the Local Plan – the strategy document that allocates Borough land for housing, is currently out for consultation.

Everyone who signed our petition calling on RBC to withdraw the site from its allocation for housing- this is your chance to put that in writing and explain why!

All those people who dont live in Rushcliffe and who wrote to me, frustrated, wishing that they could sign the petition … now is your chance to make your views heard!

People who use the site but don’t live in the area?

People who want Rushcliffe to save this jewel in its crown and for Nottinghamshire to benefit from the revolution in aviation that is just beginning (to the tune of £17.3 million per annum!) ?

People who value the local highly specialist and skilled jobs that would be lost?

People who believe that homes can be built in lots of places but that airfields can’t?

Please- get on there, register, and make your voices heard.

Let’s save jobs, save skills and save future opportunities!

Use the button below to respond to the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan and tell them why the airfield shouldn’t be built on…

Join us.

Our first petition is now closed, thank you to everyone who signed it. RBC have verified and accepted 2,599 of the signatures.

You can also still comment on the planning application.